Thursday, 16 January 2014

Katelyn's Story

There once was an ant named Geoff. Geoff hated being small. He lived in a huge palace since Geoff was the king of the ants. He would order his servants to try and find a way to make Geoff big. To Geoff being small was unacceptable. He wanted to be big like a plane and he wanted to travel around the planet. But the fact of the matter was, he was just unable to do that and he would just have to accept that he would be small forever. Geoff didn't like his over-sized bed so he slept on a plate on a table. A clean plate of course.

One day Geoff went for a walk downtown. He was making his way downtown, walking fast, faces passed. Anyway, on his walk he passed a really big dog. Turns out the dog was a scientist and he gave Geoff a magical serum to make him big. But police saw a giant ant running through the city and they shot Geoff. Rip Geoff. He was fANTastic. Ba dum tss. 

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